This is a reference to the heated debate over why Harry Potter needed glasses. You can probably see where I stand.
By Moses
This guy is Moses. He wants to go to art school and loves character design, and really likes comics and cartooning. Poor guy. He's gonna be in student debt for the rest of his life. Ah well. He's having fun, so we'll let him keep going
Interesting question. One thing to consider is that many in the disabled community are trying to communicate that disabilities aren’t inherently negative. Is is a BAD thing to have a physical or mental handicap? Should one WANT to change it if it was possible?
If the answer is “yes,” does that mean that you are making a value judgement on disabled vs. abled bodies?
You might be able to argue that the things that Harry “fixed” were broken parts of him and should have been repaired while his eyesight while a “disability” was not something bad that needed fixing.
So, Moses, you have hit on a very real debate in the disabled world surrounding the idea of “ableism.” The best thing to do about it is make some relationships in that world and ask people with different disabilities what THEY think about it.
(sorry for the lecture, but I think this cartoon is really deep… maybe deeper than you realize. I hope some other people will weigh in on it too.)
Wow….. Also, Let’s get calvin and harry to interact
also i think you should make a offical website with wix
I agree to both of your comments ArtWatcher.
Pardon, but what do you mean an “official website”? isn’t official?
I agree with both of your comments ArtWatcher. I would LOVE to see Calvin become friends with (Or sworn enemy) of Harry.
8 replies on “Disabled”
Interesting question. One thing to consider is that many in the disabled community are trying to communicate that disabilities aren’t inherently negative. Is is a BAD thing to have a physical or mental handicap? Should one WANT to change it if it was possible?
If the answer is “yes,” does that mean that you are making a value judgement on disabled vs. abled bodies?
You might be able to argue that the things that Harry “fixed” were broken parts of him and should have been repaired while his eyesight while a “disability” was not something bad that needed fixing.
So, Moses, you have hit on a very real debate in the disabled world surrounding the idea of “ableism.” The best thing to do about it is make some relationships in that world and ask people with different disabilities what THEY think about it.
(sorry for the lecture, but I think this cartoon is really deep… maybe deeper than you realize. I hope some other people will weigh in on it too.)
Wow….. Also, Let’s get calvin and harry to interact
also i think you should make a offical website with wix
I agree to both of your comments ArtWatcher.
Pardon, but what do you mean an “official website”? isn’t official?
I agree with both of your comments ArtWatcher. I would LOVE to see Calvin become friends with (Or sworn enemy) of Harry.