

Hey peeps! I wanted to prepare this long, heartfelt speech about how much this webcomic means to me, and how awesome you guys are, but instead, I thought I’d just say what my heart really wants me to say:

Thank you.

Thank you for sticking by me.

Even when bad jokes,

bad art,

and a bad sense of humor struck,

you kept reading.


Here you go.

100 comics and I still can’t draw Hobbes from the front.

I’d also like to thank a certain someone, who will probably never read this.

Thank you to a Mr. Bill Watterson, the original creator of Calvin and Hobbes, for making all of this possible.

By Moses

This guy is Moses. He wants to go to art school and loves character design, and really likes comics and cartooning. Poor guy. He's gonna be in student debt for the rest of his life. Ah well. He's having fun, so we'll let him keep going

10 replies on “Centennial”

big accomplishment, Moses! I am really proud of you for sticking with it and continuing to improve your art!

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